I was formerly editor of Creative Screenwriting magazine, “the best magazine for screenwriters” according to The Washington Post and the LA Times. It’s a brilliant publication, always focused on what screenwriting lessons can be learned from interviews with the best writers in TV and Hollywood, and craft tutorials from some truly excellent teachers of creative writing.
During my tenure I interviewed a few very interesting folk!
Mike Carey
Mike Carey’s graphic novel Lucifer is based on the character from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, and was also the catalyst for my decision to begin writing comics. I spent a couple of very enjoyable hours chatting with Mike after the interview; it’s great when someone who inspires you turns out to be exactly who you hoped they were.
J. Michael Straczynski
J. Michael Straczynski created Babylon 5, the arc-based TV show that opened the door to all the recent offerings from HBO, Netflix and Amazon. At the time, it was my favourite TV show.
What JMS says about getting to know your characters like best friends turns my thoughts to the role-playing I do with friends, and how often the characters I play in those games become protagonists in comics!
Alan Tudyk
Alan Tudyk is Hoban “Wash” Washburn from Firefly, the TV show which I prefer to all other TV shows. The interview is actually about a fifth of the words he actually spake. He can talk!
Julian Fellowes
Julian Fellowes created and wrote all of Downton Abbey, and Gosford Park. He first came to my attention as the host of Never Mind The Full Stops – a grammar-based TV game show. Amazingly, it only ran for one season.